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On The Horizon - April 15, 2024


Driver of the Month!

Congratulations Lee Nuss of Rocky Mountain Supply, Inc for being selected February Driver of the Month! Lee has been driving for 33 years now. He is very thorough, patient and is a great example of safety.

MT 41 bridge in Twin Bridges reopens 

Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) officials are pleased to announce that access to the bridge on Montana Highway 41 (MT 41) near the intersection with Main Street in Twin Bridges has been restored.

“Our top priority at MDT is, and will always be, public safety,” said Andy Cullison with the MDT Bridge Bureau. “Thank you to the residents of Twin Bridges and the surrounding area for your patience as we worked to restore access.”

The bridge was closed earlier this week following a special inspection that identified the reinforced concrete pier supporting the center span of the bridge was actively failing due to deterioration of the concrete supporting the steel girders.

MDT personnel worked rigorously to design and implement a solution. Repairs were made to the concrete pier wall foundation, bringing the bridge back up to standards.

A close-knit community, the residents of Twin Bridges partnered with MDT as well to address and solve the problem. Local and county officials helped coordinate efforts, search and rescue helped support the bridge repair work, and local contractors supplied a barge and crane to create additional access points to fix the bridge.

“This project exemplifies how Montanans come together in challenging times,” said MDT Interim Director Larry Flynn. “We’re grateful to our hard working MDT engineers and maintenance teams that were able to identify the safety issue, fix it, and restore mobility for Twin Bridges and surrounding communities.”

A special thank you to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Madison and Beaverhead counties, first responders and many others.

MDT staff will continue to monitor and inspect the bridge as part of its maintenance efforts. All bridge traffic can resume as normal.  

To learn more, please contact Lisa Gray at, or call 406-208-0551.

Montana Trucking Association 2023 Awards

We are accepting nominations for the 2023 Awards! Below are the four different categories and forms that can be applied for! You can also apply on our website. Please return completed forms to by May 31, 2024

When Must Truckers Complete a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report?

A common misconception about driver vehicle inspection reports for truckers and other commercial drivers is that one is required at every pre-trip inspection.

  • How often must a walk-around pre-trip inspection be conducted? Before every trip.

  • How often is a post-trip inspection required to be performed? After every trip.

When Does a Driver Have to Turn in a DVIR?

“There’s a lot of confusion in the industry,” says Tom Bray, a business advisor with J.J. Keller. “The driver needs to do a pre-trip — they have to be satisfied the vehicle’s in good operating condition before they drive it. That’s the bottom line. There’s no report required.

“If there's something wrong with the vehicle, the driver needs to get in touch with you and say, hey, this needs to be fixed before I can drive it.” Read More

Another EV obstacle—tires

A few short years ago, the buzz around a Class 8 electric vehicle manufacturer was impossible to ignore. It was a masterclass in marketing and promotion that culminated in the founder's conviction in December 2023 for deceiving investors. Everyone was so happy to hear that electric trucks were on the market that they wanted to believe everything he said. A jury determined he was less than truthful in his claims, which defrauded investors of more than $660 million. Read More

Will's Safety Tip

Ticks and Workers:

Not all outdoor workers will be exposed to disease-carrying ticks. Ticks are limited to areas that can support their habitat (e.g., woods, long grass, leaf litter, areas where white-tailed deer roam). Before implementing any prevention strategies, become familiar with ticks that may be present in your area and the diseases they may carry. If an outdoor worksite could potentially harbor ticks, follow the recommendations below to help prevent tickborne illness.

General recommendations for employers with outdoor workers

  • Train workers on workplace hazards, including tickborne diseases present in your region. Early recognition of tickborne disease symptoms can help to prevent long-term injury or illness. Make this training available to workers in their preferred language.

  • Supply insect repellent, tweezers, and a basic first aid kit. The earlier a tick is removed from someone it has bitten, the less likely it is that the person will become ill. Keep supplies available for workers to properly remove a tick.

NOTE: Tick bites that occur within the work environment are considered work-related injuries and must be recorded in accordance with OSHA recordkeeping requirements, as applicable.

General recommendations for outdoor workers while working in tick habitats (e.g., wooded, brushy, grassy areas.)

  • Apply insect repellent. Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered repellents with at least 20% DEET.

  • Wear appropriate clothing. Wear long, light colored pants to make it easier to detect ticks on clothing. Tuck pants into socks to prevent ticks from reaching the skin.

  • Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin. These items can also be purchased pre-treated. The treatment generally lasts for 6 weeks or 6 washings.

  • Check yourself, your clothing, and gear/equipment for ticks. Some ticks may spend hours finding a spot to feed on a human body. Immediately checking yourself after spending time in potential tick habitats can help to prevent tick bites before they occur.

  • Learn how to properly remove a tick. Clean the affected area and use tweezers to grasp the tick’s head as close to the skin’s surface as possible. Pull upward slowly and firmly with even pressure. Clean the area again once the tick is removed with rubbing alcohol or with soap and water. Then dispose of the tick by drowning it in alcohol, wrapping it with tape, placing it in a sealed container, or flushing it down the toilet. The CDC also has detailed instructions available for properly removing a tick.

  • Learn about the tickborne diseases in your area and the symptoms of the most common tickborne diseases. Participate in training provided by your employer. Contact your healthcare provider if you develop symptoms of a tickborne disease after spending time in tick habitat.

Stay Safe! 

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