A Few Spots Left For Training
Samantha Morris, Owner of Chemnet Consortium will be providing Reasonable Suspicion Training in April. Reasonable Suspicion is a DOT required training – CFR382.603. Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing, What you NEED to know! If you haven’t participated in the past, this is your opportunity. Maybe you need an update or refresher?
Missoula will be on April 6 at Stone Creek Lodge (5145 Airway Blvd.)
Billings will be on April 7 at Hampton Inn (5110 Southgate Dr.)
Great Falls will be on April 8 at Hampton Inn (2301 14th St SW)
'22 Truck Expo Registrations
June 9 - 11, 2022 We will be hosting the annual Convention, the Truck Driving Championship, the SuperTech Competition, & Inspectors Challenge all at once. We are in the planning stage for a huge event full of exciting and entertaining competition. We hope you will join us! As soon as the agenda has been finalized, we will let you know. To find out about Sponsorship / Booth opportunities, click HERE For Registration click HERE For draft Agenda click HERE We need help to put on this great event! So if you know of anyone that can help, please have them contact Volunteer Committee: Contact Lance Zanto - Lzanto2@mt.gov or Karen at 406-442-6600 or karen@mttrucking.org This event will be successful when we have the right people in the right places. Thank you in advance for your help putting on this great event! Volunteer Registration Form click HERE
Let Us Know What You Think
To help move the Association forward, we are interested in your feedback. If you have the time, please answer one or more questions in this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BVZR86T
Fuel-Price Dip Likely Only Temporary Reprieve
Although retail diesel fuel prices took a slight dip last week after skyrocketing to record highs the past few weeks, that’s not likely a trend that will continue, as traders warn of global diesel shortages. In just three weeks, the national average price of ultra-low-sulfur No. 2 diesel rose 29%, by $1.19 per gallon, from $4.06 per gallon on Feb. 14 to a record $5.25 on March 14, according to numbers from the Department of Energy. As usual, prices are even higher ... READ MORE
Expert: 'No end in sight' for diesel price inflation
The average price of a gallon of on-highway diesel dropped more than a dime for the week ending Monday, settling at $5.13 cents. While that's some measure of relief to motor carriers in line at the fuel island, that feeling is likely to be short-lived. Tom Kloza, global head of energy analysis at Oil Price Information Service (OPIS), said there's "no end in sight to diesel price inflation", which will lead to more fuel surcharges, adding that petroleum futures Tuesday indicate an oncoming uphill climb at the pump. "I would not be surprised to see ... READ MORE
The Top 4 FMCSA Violations of 2021
The FMCSA has released violation data for fiscal year 2021 and the numbers indicate some alarming data: of every 100 carriers who get audited by the DOT, less than 6 pass without a violation. And the remaining 94.5 percent? By the time their audit is complete, they have an average of six violations. Depending on the violations found, that can add up to a big fine for your business. The key to being in that 5.5 percent is to always ... READ MORE
Scholarship Application
MTA is now accepting scholarship applications from Montana students completing their senior year in high school or currently enrolled in a Montana College, University, Trade school, or other educational institution and working toward an undergraduate degree. Students must be an employee (or the dependent of an employee) of a Montana Trucking Association Member to be eligible. The student must be a Montana resident planning to attend a Montana College, University, Trade school, or other educational institution. The Scholarship Committee will decide the amount of each individual award at the time of selection. Grades are a part of the process used in determining our recipients, but they are not the deciding factor. The selection criteria are fully outlined in the enclosed scholarship application: ... READ MORE
Fleet Safety
The MTA Fleet Safety Contest year runs from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. The Fleet Safety Contest is based on Montana miles and DOT recordable accidents that occurred in Montana. CRITERIA FOR DOT RECORDABLE ACCIDENTS ARE: 1) Death. 2) Bodily injury requiring medical attention away from the scene. 3) One or more vehicles incurring disabling damage and requiring transport or towing from the scene. The six categories of competition are listed on the entry form. The Grand Trophy Award is open to all current MTA carrier members that have a minimum of 200,000 Montana miles. You may e-mail karen@mttrucking.org or call the MTA Office at 406-442-6600 to request additional applications. First, second and third place winners will be selected in each category. Plaques and certificates, sponsored by Great West Casualty Company, are presented to winners in each category at the MTA Annual Convention in Helena, MT June 9 - 11, 2022. This program is designed to honor those who put safety first. Retain a copy of your entry form and mail the original to the MTA office at 501 North Sanders #201, Helena, MT 59601. READ MORE
Safety Supervisor of the Year
The winner of this year’s award will be recognized at the MTA Convention in Helena, as well as being submitted as a nominee to the Rocky Mountain Regional Safety Rendezvous Safety Supervisor of the Year selection committee. The RMRSR winner will be recognized during the awards ceremony. Complete the form to nominate your safety person. You may e-mail karen@mttrucking.org or telephone the MTA Office at 406-442-6600 to request additional applications. Retain a copy of the application for your files prior to mailing the original to MTA at 501 North Sanders #201, Helena, MT 59601. ... READ MORE
Mike's Safety Tip
Ladder safety Ladders are an integral part of the trucking industry. Whether you're tarping a load of lumber, closing the lid on a tanker, or climbing up onto a dock, ladders are an everyday part of trucking. According to OSHA, falls from ladders account for one third of all construction deaths. Deaths and injuries can be prevented by following safe work practices. So remember your three points of contact at all times. Have proper footing, starting with your footwear. Climb slowly and deliberately and avoid sudden movements. Don’t overreach or lean while working from a ladder, and keep you weight centered within the ladder. Be safe and have a great week, Mike
Save The Date
July 13th - 15th, 2022 Park City, Utah

Click HERE for a larger view
2022 Annual Inspection Decals
Call MTA to order the 2022 Inspection Decals 406-442-6600 Or you can Email Karen: karen@mttrucking.org

Our Sponsors

Upcoming Events
April 5, 2022 Share the Road Senior High Billings, MT Volunteers & equipment need April 6, 2022 Share the Road West High Billings, MT Volunteers & equipment need April 7, 2022 Share the Road Skyview High Volunteers & equipment need April 6, 2022 Reasonable Suspicious Training 10 AM - 2 PM Stone Creek Lodge 5145 Airway Blvd. Missoula, MT April 7, 2022 Reasonable Suspicious Training 10 AM - 2 PM Hampton Inn 5110 Southgate Dr. Billings, MT April 8, 2022 Reasonable Suspicious Training 10 AM - 2 PM Hampton Inn 2301 14th St SW Great Falls, MT June 9 - 11, 2022 Convention, TDC, SuperTech Helena, MT June 30, 2022 Share the Road @ the Distracted Driving Event 7 AM - 4 PM Butte, MT Volunteers & equipment need July 13 - 15, 2022 Rocky Mountain Regional Safety Rendezvous (RMRSR) Park City, Utah August 16 - 19, 2022 National Truck Driving Championship Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN September 25 - 29, 2022 National SuperTech Competition Huntington Convention Center Cleveland, OH
Have you gotten your annual MVR's yet?
If not, Motor Carriers of Montana can run your Montana annual MVR's (Motor Vehicle Report) for you.
The cost is $10.25 per MVR.
All you need to provide is:
Employees name
Employees Montana driver license number
Employees date of birth
So if you would like us to help you with your annual MVR's, send an email to karen@mttrucking.org or call 406-442-6600
Montana Trucking Association 501 N. Sanders, Suite 201 Helena, MT 59601 406-442-6600