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On The Horizon - March 4, 2024


Montana Dept. of Commerce extends cybersecurity grant application deadline

The Montana Department of Commerce announced that the Montana Cybersecurity Grant Program application deadline is extended until April 30.

Montana businesses can receive up to $8,000 to assess cybersecurity readiness and monitor security equipment and programs.

The funding will reimburse companies for newly implemented cybersecurity measures.

To apply for the grant, click here. Read More

Is Your ELD on Transport Canada's 'No Longer Certified' List?

Diligent carriers may be shocked to find their Canadian ELDs on a list of "No Longer Certified" devices.

The official list of certified electronic logging devices, maintained by Canada's Transport Regulator, Transport Canada, currently displays a list of eight "No Longer Certified" devices. The list appears near the bottom of the first page of listings of certified devices.

Since motor carriers operating in Canada are required to use only devices listed on the agency's official list of certified ELDs, seeing a particular device on the no longer certified list might cause some concern.

According to a source with knowledge of the situation, the devices appearing on the "no longer certified" list reflect those currently in a transition from one certifying body to another.

"With the withdrawal of one of the certification bodies, the CSA Group, last summer the remaining two certification bodies will take on clients previously certified by that body," he told HDT. "The transition from one certifying body to another results in the cancellation of the original certification. That is replaced, following a successful reevaluation, with a new certification." Read More

Will's Safety Tip

On the Road Safety Reminders

Alcohol in commercial motor vehicles

Please remember that alcohol is forbidden in CMVs, any amount, wherever it is stowed, including inside a toolbox or under a seat. Unless it is manifested on a bill of lading, there is no forgiveness. The penalty is strong: 24 hours out of service and a hefty fine to go along with it.

Detectible presence of alcohol

Detectible presence begins any time you show signs of impairment, like red eyes accompanied with alcohol odor, or at .025 bac (blood alcohol content) and DUI sits at .045 bac. Being hungover can easily turn into catastrophe if you are operating a CMV, which includes vehicles over 10,000 pounds travelling between states commercially. Penalties include arrest and 24 hours out of service.

Handheld Cell Phones

Remember that cell phones must be kept out of your hands while driving. Hands-free devices are great, keep the phone in the holster and make sure to never text and drive. This is not an out of service condition, but it is citable in all states.

Corrective Lenses

And lastly, please remember to wear your corrective lenses if you have the restriction on your CDL or medical evaluation, keep an extra pair in your cab, that way you won’t be in a hard spot if you forget. This is out of service until you get glasses on.

I hope these reminders help and stay safe! 

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