It is only 10 days away!!! MTA Billings Golf Tournament 2022 Sign up now!!

Please join us for a fun golf tournament at Pryor Creek. Create a team, bring your friends, customers, family, etc. and let’s play a round of golf. You don’t have to be an MTA member to play. Pryor Creek club is pleased to host this special event. Please be a conscientious golfer, wear a collared shirt and enjoy the course. Beverages will be provided at the turn. Each golfer will be given two drink tickets and additional beverages may be purchased from the course beverage snack shops. Sack lunch will be provided at the course. Thursday August 25, 2022 Pryor Creek Golf Course 1292 Pryor Creek Rd, Huntley MT 59037 Click HERE for the registration form and the four person team scramble rules Click HERE for Sponsorship Opportunities Email the completed form(s) to karen@mttrucking.org Or register online at: https://www.mttrucking.org/events
FMCSA & Sleep Apnea Training is NEXT WEEK. Are you registered?
Montana Trucking Association Fall Trainings 11:00 to 1:00 August 22-24, 2022 11:00 - Bruce Holmes, Montana Administrator of FMCSA – Bruce (in person!!) will be sharing some updates and changes to keep you current and in compliance. You’ll have plenty of time to talk with Bruce and he’ll be available to answer all your questions. Lunch Served 12:15 - Dr. Karen Underwood of Drowzle.com – Information and training on the effects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Commercial truck operations. In addition, Representatives of Drowzle will be on site to talk with you about a low-cost diagnostic tool to diagnose OSA. Drowzle is offering special pricing for those in attendance. Monday August 22 at 11:00, Energy Partners (3050 Stockyard Rd), Missoula Tuesday August 23 at 11:00, PayneWest (405 3rd St NW, Ste. 301), Great Falls Wednesday August 24, at 11:00, Hampton (5110 Southgate Dr) Billings Trainings will be from 1100 – 1300, with a working lunch. Lunch will be provided. If your interested in sponsoring a lunch for these trainings, please contact: mgehl@mttrucking.org Our registration is open at: https://www.mttrucking.org/events or email Karen at karen@mttrucking.org This will be a FREE training for all MTA members. Non-members $25.
ATA: Truck Driver Demand Drives Wages Up in 2021
Wages for professional truck drivers rose significantly in 2021 as demand for drivers amid the ongoing driver shortage increased competition for talent, according to the results of an industry survey released by the American Trucking Associations. As part of the 2022 ATA Driver Compensation Study, fleets were queried about their driver and owner-operator compensation, including pay rates, bonuses and benefits. The fleets cumulatively represented more than 135,000 employee drivers and nearly 20,000 independent contractors. The median truckload driver earned about $69,700 in 2021 — an 18% increase from the previous survey in 2019 and up nearly 11% over 2020 levels. That median amount includes bonuses but excludes... READ MORE
Law Enforcement Pulls Over Embark Autonomous Truck in Demo
A common question that arises in conversations about autonomous trucks: What happens if law enforcement needs to pull a vehicle over? Autonomous-tech company Embark recently worked with law enforcement to demonstrate how it can work. Working closely with the Texas Department of Public Safety the Travis County Sheriff’s Office, the company developed the capability for Embark-powered trucks to identify and stop for law enforcement vehicles in situations such as traffic stops. The company built communication protocols and standard operating procedures between autonomous trucks and law enforcement officers. According to Embark, this represents the first public demonstration of an autonomous truck being pulled over by law enforcement ... READ MORE
Uber Outlines Autonomous-Truck Hub-to-Hub Freight Model
Uber may have sold its self-driving truck division to Aurora, but that hasn’t deterred it from a belief that autonomous trucks and Uber Freight's digital freight network technology connecting shippers and trucks are a good match. The hub-to-hub model represents a practical starting point for the accelerated deployment of autonomous trucks, according to Uber Freight. “Uber Freight envisions a future where autonomous trucks and human drivers operate alongside one another in a hybrid network to ease the burden of increased freight demand, enhance truck drivers’ quality of life, and create more value for everyone in the supply chain,” it explained in a blog post announcing its road map and research. Uber Freight is building on what it’s learned through its strategic partnership with Waymo and a multiphase pilot program with Aurora. In a new whitepaper, it said, for the foreseeable future, most autonomous trucks will operate under ... READ MORE
Montana Truck Driver Appreciation needs YOU!
On September 14, 2022 Montana Trucking Association will be hosting two (2) Driver Appreciation events. One will be at the Laurel scales and the other will be at the Haugan scales. How can you help? · Become a Sponsor · Volunteer to cook and/or hand out food (anytime between 10:30 am - 2:00 pm) · Donate your company's swag (it will be given to the drivers) If you have questions or can help in any way email Karen at karen@mttrucking.org Click HERE for the sign-up form
Our Sponsors
If you would like to be a Sponsor, please contact Karen at 406-442-6600 or karen@mttrucking.org
Mike's Safety Tip
Cargo Securement
So when we think about cargo securement, I’m sure the first thing you think about is the product you’re getting paid to haul, and how you secure it. Well what about the dunnage you have cradled in the landing gear of the trailer? Or your tire chains when you’re not using them? Or the hose you use to unload a liquid cargo? Or a ladder used to climb up on top of a load. The list goes on and on. Everything else while in transit is also considered cargo and has to be properly secured as well. A bungee cord isn’t load securement. A rated cargo strap and binder is. Something to think about before your next inspection.
Have a great week,
Thanks Mike
2022 Annual Inspection Decals

Call MTA to order the 2022 Inspection Decals 406-442-6600 Or you can Email Karen: karen@mttrucking.org
Upcoming Events
August 16 - 19, 2022 National Truck Driving Championship Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN August 21 - 27, 2022 Brake Safety Week August 22, 2022 Fall Training Energy Partners (3050 Stockyard Rd) Missoula Click HERE to register August 23, 2022 Truckers Against Trafficking Delta Hotel by Marriott - Helena Colonial 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Click HERE to register August 23, 2022 Fall Training PayneWest (405 3rd St NW, Ste. 301) Great Falls Click HERE to register August 24, 2022 Fall Training Hampton (5110 Southgate Dr) Billings Click HERE to register August 25, 2022 MTA Billings Golf Tournament 2022 Pryor Creek Golf Course (1292 Pryor Creek Rd) Huntley Click HERE to register September 11 - 17, 2022 National Truck Driver Appreciation Week September 14, 2022 Montana Truck Driver Appreciation Day Volunteers and Sponsors needed September 22, 2022 Board of Directors Meeting DSV Road Transport (7211 Two Smokes Way) Missoula, MT September 25 - 29, 2022 National SuperTech Competition Huntington Convention Center Cleveland, OH
Have you gotten your annual MVR's yet?
If not, Motor Carriers of Montana can run your Montana annual MVR's (Motor Vehicle Report) for you.
The cost is $10.25 per MVR.
All you need to provide is:
Employees name
Employees Montana driver license number
Employees date of birth
So if you would like us to help you with your annual MVR's, send an email to karen@mttrucking.org or call 406-442-6600
Montana Trucking Association 501 N. Sanders, Suite 201 Helena, MT 59601 406-442-6600