MTA Billings Golf Tournament 2022

Please join us for a fun golf tournament at Pryor Creek. Create a team, bring your friends, customers, family, etc. and let’s play a round of golf. You don’t have to be an MTA member to play. Pryor Creek club is pleased to host this special event. Please be a conscientious golfer, wear a collared shirt and enjoy the course. Beverages will be provided at the turn. Each golfer will be given two drink tickets and additional beverages may be purchased from the course beverage snack shops. Sack lunch will be provided at the course. Thursday August 25, 2022 Pryor Creek Golf Course 1292 Pryor Creek Rd, Huntley MT 59037 Click HERE for the registration form and the four person team scramble rules Click HERE for Sponsorship Opportunities Email the completed form(s) to karen@mttrucking.org
AB5 Protests Hit Port of Oakland
Independent truck drivers are protesting California’s restrictive AB5 labor law at the Port of Oakland this week in a three-day action that started Monday. Owner-operator truck drivers, who make up 90% of the Bay Area port's operation, are protesting Assembly Bill 5, known as AB5, which is expected to virtually eliminate the use of owner-operators in trucking in the state. The protests follow actions last week at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. AB5 was passed and signed into law in 2019. Provisions in the bill will prevent independent owner-operator truck drivers from contracting with other trucking companies for services, essentially leaving trucking companies no choice but to use only employee drivers. An injunction in place ... READ MORE
How Poor Training Contributes to the Driver Shortage
There are a zillion reasons to improve trucking’s driver-training system (if it can actually be called a “system” at all). One of those reasons may not be obvious, but I’m convinced it’s real. That’s driver retention, and I think proper training is an almost sure-fire way to keep people at the wheel. Make drivers comfortable with what they’re doing, on the road and off, by ensuring that they feel confident in traffic and weather, and above all that they understand the truck and its various mechanical and electronic components. There’s more to a driver’s role, of course, but if he or she is unsure about those basics, nerves and stress and poor performance will follow. And that’s not conducive to job satisfaction. If we don’t prepare truck drivers well, for what is not an easy job, ... READ MORE
Truck Parking
1. The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved a major truck parking investment bill. The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act would authorize $755 million over the next four years to boost the nation's truck parking capacity. Moving this legislation forward is a tremendous step toward addressing what has been significant challenge to our industry’s ability to safely and efficiently move the nation’s goods. On average, drivers spend nearly an hour – 56 minutes – every day looking for parking, which costs them a loss of $5,500 in annual compensation and creates inefficiencies throughout the supply chain. But lack of safe parking availability is not just a challenge for current drivers. It is also a barrier .. READ MORE
Save The Date
Montana Trucking Association
Fall Trainings 11:00 to 1:00 August 22-24, 2022
11:00 - Bruce Holmes, Montana Administrator of FMCSA – Bruce (in person!!) will be sharing some updates and changes to keep you current and in compliance. You’ll have plenty of time to talk with Bruce and he’ll be available to answer all your questions.
Lunch Served
12:15 - Dr. Karen Underwood of Drowzle.com – Information and training on the effects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Commercial truck operations. In addition, Representatives of Drowzle will be on site to talk with you about a low-cost diagnostic tool to diagnose OSA. Drowzle is offering special pricing for those in attendance.
Monday August 22 at 11:00, Energy Partners (3050 Stockyard Rd), Missoula Tuesday August 23 at 11:00, PayneWest (405 3rd St NW, Ste. 301), Great Falls Wednesday August 24, at 11:00, Hampton (5110 Southgate Dr) Billings Trainings will be from 1100 – 1300, with a working lunch. Lunch will be provided. If your interested in sponsoring a lunch for these trainings, please contact: mgehl@mttrucking.org Our registration is open at: https://www.mttrucking.org/events or email Karen at karen@mttrucking.org This will be a FREE training for all MTA members. Non-members $25.
Montana Truck Driver Appreciation
On September 14, 2022 Montana Trucking Association will be hosting two (2) Driver Appreciation events. One will be at the Laurel scales and the other will be at the Haugan scales. How can you help? · Become a Sponsor · Volunteer to cook and/or hand out food (anytime between 10:30 am - 2:00 pm) · Donate your company's swag (it will be given to the drivers) If you have questions or can help in any way email Karen at karen@mttrucking.org Click HERE for the sign-up form
Share the Road Help Needed
We need your help for the August 2nd, 3rd & 4th Share the Road presentations in Billings. Each presentation will be from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Here is what we need at each of the high schools: August 3rd at Skyview High = 1 truck/driver August 4th at West High = 2 trucks/drivers and 2 volunteers If you are able to help any or all of these dates, please email Karen at karen@mttrucking.org or call 406-442-6600.
Our Sponsors

If you would like to be a Sponsor, please contact Karen at 406-442-6600 or karen@mttrucking.org
Mike's Safety Tip
UV Protection It goes without saying, its getting hot out. And when summer is here, you need to be concerned about UV exposure. Many of us know that UV can be harmful to our skin, but have you thought about your eyes? Eye structures such as the cornea, retina, and lens care also damaged by UV radiation. Protecting your eyes is vital. Make sure when your outside or driving your sunglasses offer protection against UV radiation. Have a great week, Mike
2022 Annual Inspection Decals

Call MTA to order the 2022 Inspection Decals 406-442-6600 Or you can Email Karen: karen@mttrucking.org
Upcoming Events
August 2, 2022 Share the Road Senior High 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM August 3, 2022 Share the Road Skyview High 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Volunteers needed August 4, 2022 Share the Road West High 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Volunteers needed August 16 - 19, 2022 National Truck Driving Championship Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN August 21 - 27, 2022 Brake Safety Week August 22, 2022 Fall Training Energy Partners (3050 Stockyard Rd) Missoula August 23, 2022 Truckers Against Trafficking Delta Hotel by Marriott - Helena Colonial 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Click HERE to register August 23, 2022 Fall Training PayneWest (405 3rd St NW, Ste. 301) Great Falls August 24, 2022 Fall Training Hampton (5110 Southgate Dr) Billings August 25, 2022 MTA Billings Golf Tournament 2022 Pryor Creek Golf Course (1292 Pryor Creek Rd) Huntley September 11 - 17, 2022 National Truck Driver Appreciation Week September 14, 2022 Montana Truck Driver Appreciation Day Volunteers and Sponsors needed September 25 - 29, 2022 National SuperTech Competition Huntington Convention Center Cleveland, OH
Have you gotten your annual MVR's yet?
If not, Motor Carriers of Montana can run your Montana annual MVR's (Motor Vehicle Report) for you.
The cost is $10.25 per MVR.
All you need to provide is:
Employees name
Employees Montana driver license number
Employees date of birth
So if you would like us to help you with your annual MVR's, send an email to karen@mttrucking.org or call 406-442-6600
Montana Trucking Association 501 N. Sanders, Suite 201 Helena, MT 59601 406-442-6600